Letters to the Editor: Ruling on West L.A. VA housing is a ‘victory for the good guys’

To the editor: What a victory for the good guys. U.S. District Judge David O. Carter has ruled that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs must honor its legal obligation to use its West Los Angeles campus to serve veterans. (“VA must build more housing on West L.A. campus, and UCLA and Brentwood School leases are illegal, judge rules,” Sept. 6)

As a child living on the westside of L.A. in the 1950s, I well remember when my family drove by the campus and we’d see all the frail veterans sitting outside. We understood this was the home for veterans who had no other place to live. It was not intended as a site for well-heeled academic facilities to operate sports facilities, contrary to how the VA has allowed UCLA and a private K-12 school to use a portion of the site via leases.

Now, with Carter’s decision, the land can be returned to the purpose for which it was donated.

Erica Hahn, Monrovia

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